Kiona is the leading PropTech platform in Europe, enabling stakeholders to optimize resource efficiency while reducing emissions from buildings through the monitoring, control, and optimization of energy usage. Through a flexible, open, independent, and user-friendly platform, Kiona integrates and connects all technical systems across brands and years of deployment. The company is market-leading in its core segment and has an unparalleled contractor network in Scandinavia with 200 partners in Norway and Sweden.
Kiona at a glance
Key developments 2022
2022 was the year for Kiona reaping the synergies of the recent mergers, with over 290 cross deliveries of 2 products or more finalized. It has resulted in strong double-digit growth in Kiona’s EMS and SCADA products, while the self-learning AI engine Edge experienced a very strong backlog and pipeline. This lays a solid foundation for ramping up growth in 2023 across a broader install base.
PropTech, Energy transition
SDG aligment
Revenue (EURm)
Carbon intensity: Tons CO₂e per EUR m revenue
Total tons CO₂ emitted
Monetized climate impact
Full time employees
Gender balance 2022
All employees
Monetized employment impact
Via Summa Compliance
✔ Code of conduct
✔ Supplier code of conduct
✔ Economic Sanctions
✔ Competition Law/Antitrust
✔ Data Protection/IT Security
✔ Anti-curruption
✔ Whistleblower
Science Based Targets
Kiona started process to set Science Based Targets in Q4 2022, with a target commitment by Q4 2023.
Board Gender Diversity
Plan to improve gender diversity towards 40% has been initiated, with a target to improve current female representation in 2023.
What are the challenges Kiona addresses?
How does Kiona help?
Reality today
Property owners and retailers have limited visibility into the energy consumption of their buildings, while not being able to connect various existing technical systems to gain insights. The mass inefficiencies keep buildings as a contributor of 36% of all the emissions in the EU.
Kiona approach
Kiona enables stakeholders to optimize resource efficiency while reducing emissions from buildings through the monitoring, control, and optimization of energy usage. This is achieved by utilizing over 3,500 technical system integrations and 200+ partners, making Kiona suitable to connect and optimize nearly any building.
Aspirational future
Enable CO₂ savings documentation and accounting on the Kiona platform, enable partners and platform participants to utilize the network of Kiona-connected buildings to create new products and features, enable data acquisition, sharing and analysis.
What impact does Kiona create?
Tons of CO₂e averted
kWh saved
Buildings using Kiona's solutions for energy optimization
Who is impacted?
Stakeholders (including owners and tenants) who are enabled to optimize their buildings' energy usage. The planet through fewer GHG emissions from buildings.
What are the impact considerations?
Kiona enables property owners and retailers to accelerate their energy optimization efforts in pursuit of carbon neutrality. Kiona is uniquely positioned to do so, having created >3,500 integrations that allow buildings to get connected.
Visibility into energy usage does not guarantee that stakeholders will act accordingly to optimize operations, and Kiona has limited power to influence stakeholder behavior.