Portfolio social impact
Summa believes that a company’s social impact is integral to its fundamental impact.
A range of social metrics are assessed and reported across the portfolio. A portfolio-wide focus area is diversity and inclusion, where we closely track gender statistics. Portfolio companies are expected to aim to increase diversity across the organization, including leadership and board, with a target of reaching 40% female or non-binary individuals in portfolio company boards.
Why does diversity matter?
Evidence shows that diverse organizations can achieve more than less diverse organizations through impacts on culture, productivity, and innovation. In addition, board gender diversity contributes to stronger boards and corporate governance practices.
The unadjusted gender pay gap is measured to assess a company’s equality and diversity.This metric compares the average wage for all females in an organization with the average for all males, regardless of position. While the unadjusted gender pay gap is not a measure of “equal pay for equal work,” it can be useful for addressing a broader set of issues as it also picks up the financial effect of fewer women being in senior positions.

% Female by fund (wAVG), all employees
Staff turnover rate (wAVG)
Employee distribution by theme
Health and safety
Work related fatalities : 0
Summa portfolio AUM wAVG: 0.45 incidents per million hours worked
Norwegian industry average: 3 incidents per million hours worked