Summa’s impact investment strategy
How can we invest with rigor and intentionality to not only promote value creation, but also help build a more sustainable world?

Impact alignment screening template
Environmental/social objective(s)
- Articulate primary environmental or social challenge addressed by the company - governance issues should be framed in service of environmental and/or social objectives
How the company has impact
- Explain how the company has impact on this challenge
- Wherever possible, include evidence of impact / company track record, including quantification of impact
Who is impacted
- Identify specific customer segments / users relevant to impact contribution, including stakeholders particularly at risk
- If different from above, identify who else is impacted
Potential KPIs
- Include potential metrics to track impact, including outputs and outcomes
Impact due diligence pillars
Impact fundamentals
A. Do No Significant Harm test, including Principal Adverse Impact indicators and minimum safeguards
B. Basic good governance practices per SFDR
C. Red flags on ESG topics beyond those considered in A & B.
D. EU Taxonomy alignment where relevant (not a criterion for investment)
Impact contribution
A. Evidence of impact
B. Potential for impact at scale
C. Additionality of impact
D. Net positive across value chain
E. Collinearity between impact and business
F. Control over impact
Ability to execute
A. Company capacity and competence to carry out the impact agenda
B. Risks to maintaining a sustained focus on impact over time
C. Relevant Summa capacity to support impact agenda
Organizational due diligence
Legal due diligence
Commercial due diligence
Organizational due diligence
Legal due diligence
The impact due diligence will result in a clear impact and value creation plan
For funds investing under Article 9, like Summa Equity Fund III, it is important to understand what qualifies as a “sustainable investment”.
Summa navigates questions related to this assessment through a succinct impact strategy and decision-relevant framework for evaluating impact throughout the investment process.